Family Fun
Memorial Day Weekend is just days away. Traditionally, this holiday launches the summer season with family fun.
These days, however, every weekend has been some sort of family-holiday as we have been hunkered down at home together. And when it comes to hot tub family time, during the COVID-19 threat, we all have also been especially anxious that our spas maintain clean, sanitized water.

Pristine Hot Tub Water
While no one’s claiming that a properly sanitized hot tub can cure someone who has been infected with COVID-19, the CDC has made clear that the chemicals used in hot tubs can kill the virus and stop it from spreading in the hot tub.
A key question, of course, is who should be keeping our spas in optimal shape.
Weekly Hot Tub Service

Weekly Hot Tub Service

Weekly Hot Tub Service
“Beyond purchasing a superb quality hot tub, which we offer,” says our own Bill Renter, “many find it a great relief to have experts like us worry about their spa’s water quality and full maintenance — no matter the weather.”
Even hot tub owners who did not purchase their spa through Best Hot Tubs, Bill adds, are signing up for a weekly service program like Best Hot Tubs offers. That is because we service all sorts of brands, not just Bullfrog Spas.
What does a weekly hot tub service include?
Depending on the need at the time of visit, maintenance can involve the following:
— hot tub cleaning and vacuuming
— cleaning the filters,
— checking and maintaining the proper chemical balance,
— draining and filling the spa,
— scouring the inside of the tub;
— making or fixing any technical problems.
“You might say that we operate our weekly hot tub service like the post office — neither rain, sleet, heat, nor gloom of night will prevent us keeping your hot tub in shape,” says Bill.

“Best Hot Tubs service technicians are well trained in all spa models, not just the Bullfrog Spas brand we sell in our Best Hot Tubs showrooms. We have two techs who have passed the state-recognized APSP (Association of Pool & Spa Professionals) certification course, an intensive 3-day program. So whenever there’s an unusual problem with a client’s hot tub, we have experts who can step in.

Qualified Technicians
Best Hot Tubs technicians adhere to strict protocols regarding this virus. We wear masks and gloves and disinfect surfaces the hot tubs we service. We make entry arrangements with clients by phone ahead of time so that the client never has to come in contact with our technicians.
To sign up for service, or to get chemicals, we are just a phone call a way. We can arrange for chemicals to be picked up at a drop outside our showroom so you won’t have to come in to the store.
Westbury/Bob Bernstein: 516-429-3439
Farmingdale/Keith McPartland: 917-716-7656
Windham/Jack Desposito: 646-866-3030
email: info@besthottubs.com