You might think heaven is having a top-of-the-line Bullfrog Spa, like the A8 model captured in our feature photo above. With 6 JetPaks of your choice providing a complete selection of massages, a contoured foot therapy dome, and room enough for 8, you’d be justified in thinking you’d found a piece of paradise.

Hear Angelic Music
However. To obtain complete heavenly bliss — to actually hear the angels sing —you’ll want someone to service your spa weekly for you, so that all you’ll ever have to do is step into your spa’s relaxing waters.
But who’ll regularly test and re-balance the quality of your hot tub water, and ensure the spa’s proper functionality? That’s exactly what a Best Hot Tubs service contract provides.
In the following Best Hot Tubs video, you’ll see our technicians (Joe and Matt) servicing a Syosset, NY, hot tub (with Bill Renter behind the cell phone). Of course, we don’t usually require three people to do our weekly service. On this occasion, we were recording the event, with permission, for posting on Youtube and our blog.
What does a weekly hot tub service include?

Enjoy Your Hot Tub No Matter the Weather
Depending on the need at the time of visit, maintenance can involve the following:
— hot tub cleaning and vacuuming
— cleaning the filters,
— checking and maintaining the proper chemical balance,
— draining and filling the spa,
— scouring the inside of the tub;
— making or fixing any technical problems.
“You might say that we operate our weekly hot tub service like the post office — neither rain, sleet, heat, snow, nor gloom of night will prevent us keeping your hot tub in shape,” says Bill Renter.
In addition to using this Best Hot Tubs dedicated service website to sign on, you can contact us directly at:
FARMINGDALE, NY: 1050 Broad Hollow Rd | Farmingdale, NY 11735
Email: | Phone: (631) 465-0175
WESTBURY, NY: 453 Old Country Rd. | Westbury, NY 11590
Email: | Phone: (516) 279-4850
WINDHAM, NY: 5354 Route 23 | Windham, NY 12496
Email: | Phone: (518) 734-9100

Hot Tub Installation and Maintenance: You want your hot tub to remain as clean and optimal as the day you unpack it.